更新于 5 月 10 日
Updated by May 10th
7 月 10 日(星期四)
July 10th (Thursday)
08:00 – 22:00 全天会议注册
09:00-12:00 农业生态转型与粮食安全的制度保障
Institutional Guarantee of Agricultural Eco-transformation and Food Security
09:00-12:30 海洋生态保护与可持续发展
Marine Conservation
09:00-12:00 绿色新区创新发展
Innovative Development of Newly developed Area-Creating Regional Green Growth Pole
09:00-11:30 点绿成金,南南共赢
Financial gain from green development, a win-win situation for China and Afric
09:30-17:30 生态文明进程中责任教育(一)
Responsibility Awareness Education in the process of Eco-civilization conservation I
09:30-12:00 绿色金融高峰对话:投资中国绿色转型
Financing the Green Transition in China
13:00-17:30 新型城镇化与城市生态环保
New-type Urbanization and Environment Protection and Conservation
13:00-16:00 气候变化与未来地球
Institutional Framework and Path of Green Development - Climate change and the Future of the Earth
13:00-15:00 打造基于价值观的绿色经济
Develop Green Economy as a life value
13:00-15:00 绿色金融闭门工作坊二:处理“闲置资产”
Green Finance closed Workshop II: Processing " idle assets "
13:00-16:30 制造业的变革---先进制造推动经济转型及变革
Manufacturing Transformation-Promoting Economic Restructuring with Advanced Manufacturing
13:30-15:00 绿色金融闭门工作坊一:绿色证券
Green Finance closed Workshop I: Green securities
14:00-18:00 中国瑞士对话
Sino-Swiss dialogue 2014
14:30-17:30 自然保护与生态安全:生态文明建设的核心基础
Nature Conservation and Ecological Security - The Basis of Eco-civilization Construction
14:30-17:30 中英清洁煤技术研讨会
China-Britain Workshop on Clean Coal Technology
15:00-17:00 中国瑞士对话平行子论坛四
Sino-Swiss dialogue (sub-forum4)
15:00-17:00 中国瑞士对话平行子论坛三
Sino-Swiss dialogue (sub-forum3)
15:00-17:00 中国瑞士对话平行子论坛二
Sino-Swiss dialogue (sub-forum2)
15:30-17:00 绿色金融闭门工作坊四:反思机构投资者的信托责任
Green Finance closed Workshop IV: Being reflective to fiduciary responsibility of investors
15:30-17:00 绿色金融闭门工作坊三:反思主权风险
Green Finance closed Workshop III: Being reflective to sovereign risk
15:30-17:30 生态原产地产品助力国际贸易绿色发展
Eco-origin Products Help Green Development of International Trade
20:00-21:30 文化汇演
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